《文語》 美徳の報いの英語
徳の報い: 1. fruit of virtue〔通例複数形の fruits で〕 2. reward for virtue 3. reward of virtue
美徳の化身: 1. embodiment of virtue 2. virtue personified
美徳の権化: virtue personified
美徳の象徴: virtue personified
美徳の鑑: paragon of virtue
当然の報い: 1. bitter medicine 2. comeuppance 3. desert〔発音=dizэ':rt〕 4. get what someone deserved 5. justice 6. what one has coming
罪の報い: penalty for a crime
愛は、美徳の試金石。: Love is the touchstone of virtue.
美徳の鏡となる: set a pattern of virtue
質素は美徳の母。: Frugality is the mother of virtue.
文語: 文語 ぶんご written language literary language
美徳の化身のような人: virtue personified
美徳の権化のような人: virtue personified
美徳の象徴のような人: virtue personified
対する当然の報い: just recompense for〔~に〕